This blog is to showcase the ideas that I come up with for a project that I am working on at VCU

#54 Review- Looking Back

For this post I thought I would talk about what I gained from this course.  I learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of in addition to advertising.  Project 54 has pushed me to strive to be more creative, and nearly pushed me over the brink once or twice!  While some of posts I thought were pretty good, I had a few that I thought were really bad, but I learned that it is ok to have bad ideas, everybody has them.  I also learned that it is ok to have crazy ideas that most people won’t get and criticize me for it because there will be somebody out there who will get it and be impressed or touched by it.  I also learned what makes a good ad and any different ways of brainstorming to come up with ideas.  This course was a very unique experience, an incomparable mixture of fun and stress with a whole lot of thinkin’ goin’ on!

Have you noticed how fashion trends keep going in and coming out of style?  In the 70’s there were bell bottom jeans; then in the 80’s it was all about bright tight clothing (skinny jeans and possibly the inspiration for jeggings).  Though fashion is supposed to be ever changing, it seems designers like to review previous trends to use as their inspiration for their clothes.

For this post I used reflection as a form of review.  When one reaches a certain point in their life, they reflect on everything that they’ve done, the good parts and the bad, and how they shaped them into the person they are today.  For this project I took pictures of boys and young and grown men to show a man reflecting on (or reviewing) his life and put them on his most favorite pair of jeans that he owned, Levi’s.


#51 Review- Study Guide

When I think of review, I think of reviewing, or studying, for a test (probably because finals are just around the corner!).  One thing that really helps with studying is a study guide, so what if there was a study guide for Levi’s jeans?

Here are a few questions that would appear on the guide:

When were Levi’s jeans invented?

What country was Levi Strauss from?

Who was his business partner?

Were Levi’s originally worn by both sexes or strictly men?

What are the metal disks on the pocket corners called?

And the bonus question-

Who are the two radical professors who decided to use Levi’s jeans as the basis for their creativity class at VCU (GO RAMS!!)?

Probably the most classic icons for seduction are Cleopatra and Casanova.  Cleopatra seduced many men, two of whom were close friends.  She is known as a beautiful, sexy, strong-willed and cunning woman, the very definition of a femme fatale.  Though she lived thousands of years ago, she still remains an icon for women today.  Casanova was a lady’s man back in his day.  He was so famous for seducing over 100 women that is name is still used to describe any man who goes after multiple women.  Though Cleopatra and Casanova dressed very differently from the way people dress today, if they lived in this era, they would wear Levi’s jeans because they are known for their aesthetic appeal.


Personals on Craigslist, while mostly being creepy and mildly entertaining to read, are mainly supposed to sound seductive and enticing, making the reader want to meet whoever could possibly be so sexy or want to do the craziest shit.  What if Levi’s jeans posted a personal on Craigslist in order to find its soul mate or was just looking for a good time? Here is what their post would look like:

Lonely pair of jeans.  Blue as can be. Looking for someone special to sweep me off the ground that has a great (clothes) rack. Call me at 501-1873.

What could be more seductive than sexy lingerie made out of sexy Levi’s jeans?  One of the first things that popped into my mind when I found out that seductive was one of our directives was Levi’s lingerie.  Little did I know that in 2009 Levi’s created their own lingerie line!  It looks like it consisted of cute, simple bras and panties.  Perhaps they could have expanded it to include scandalous nightgowns and garters.

Every year for Halloween women don costumes that are some sort of sexy occupation or animal, from Sexy Nurse, to Sexy Police Officer, to Sexy Bunny, you name it.  The only thing is, all of these costumes involve either a super short skirt or shorts or only a leotard.  This is suppose to be sexy and seductive, but what’s more enticing than Levi’s jeans? This year there needs to be a sexy costume with Levi’s… the Sexy Cowgirl!


Who’s the most seductive man alive? Why, that would be the cryogenically frozen spy from the 1960’s, Austin Powers! Austin Powers is as much into sleeping with women as he is into his spy work, and when they come together, even better!  With all of the gadgets that he uses to get to the bad guys, why not use Levi’s jeans to get the girls?


For decades teens have been rebelling against their parents and society.  Here is a powerpoint presentation that I made showing how teens used as a way of self-expression and rebellion.
